The appearance of the no-purposes and characteristics of common types of

Helminthiasis causes discomfort to the patients. The worms that live in the human body, cause disease serious and even lethal. Do not underestimate the negative impact of helminthiasis. When it occurs the first sign of infestation by worms is recommended immediately consult your doctor. However, the symptoms that occur helminthiasis, can symbolize and other diseases. The signal is more secure from the infection – worms in the stool. You can see for yourself the worms?


Characteristics of worms

Helminthiasis is common in adults and in children. For the confirmation of the disease should pass the fecal mass for analysis. But see parasites as possible and independently. This is a symptom that gives the testimony, that a person or animal infected.

Pinworms is the helminths, that are most often found in children. They are easily transmitted and the non-prevention measures, enter the body. The symptoms of the disease is manifested by 3-10 days. Parasitic pinworms in a design thin and thick gut. Worms have a short life cycle and die after only a few months. However, this does not mean that after 60 days the person will as well. Daily the patient infects himself. Deaths of individuals override the young worms, which are stuck into the body previously.

Recognize the worms in the stool is quite simple. Its appearance helminths remember a small piece of wire. Usually, its length does not exceed 1.5 cm. to see them in calais, just thanks to a brilliant lemon.

The parasites have a negative impact on the body. These worms in the stool of the child – a serious reason to seek a doctor.

Pinworms can cause appendicitis. Due to its stay in the body of a person becomes inflamed, the intestines and the genital organs. Pinworms, moving through the body, leaving the toxic substance in the region of the sphincter. He is the one who calls the unbearable itching. Helminths are able to produce more than 8 thousand eggs.

If you have worms, the patient presents the following symptoms:

  • the vomiting reflex;
  • headaches;
  • insomnia;
  • substantial decrease of appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • fecal mass, containing mucus;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • urinary incontinence at night.

Long period of illness with complications can occur in patients who have the habit of biting the nail plate. Someone unintentionally carda night of the skin in the anal region, thereby knocking under the nail plate the eggs of parasites. Later, they fall in to the oral cavity.

In the case of contamination by vermin notice eggs of worms in the faeces is not possible, because the females lay eggs in the gastrointestinal tract.

The roundworm

Not everyone knows how to seem worms in humans. However, to familiarize yourself with this information, it is very important. Helminthes in the stool is the most important symptom, which confirms the presence of intestinal worms.

The roundworm, they are often parasites on the body of children and adults.

When the conditions are favorable for the eggs is formed by a larva. Entering the human body, the parasite moves on the tract, gastro-intestinal, where it is released from eggs and migrate to the circulatory system. From there the roundworm spread throughout the body and penetrate in many vital organs. In the intestine the larvae hatch from the right, and roundworm. They finally latch on to the small intestine not before six months.

In people with Ascaris, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • causeless allergic reactions;
  • spasms in the stomach;
  • the vomiting reflex;
  • the decline of the strength;
  • headache;
  • decrease of appetite.
The genus meloidogyne

The dolls begin to lay eggs after just three months. Waste products, which highlight the parasites in the body, are toxic to the patient. They can become cause the strongest allergic reaction. When the end treatment of parasites, and tangled into a ball and obstruct the bowel, causing its obstruction. In this case, for the full recovery of resorting to surgery. Medicine when intestinal obstruction does nothing.

For children most at risk are the roundworm, which fall into the cavity of the mouth and can move in the trachea or the nasal movements. The life cycle is 1 year.

The guinea-worm more often affect children. The adults suffer from this type of worms is much less common. After all, children often forget to wash their hands before eating and consumed by washing fruits and vegetables.

The appearance whipworm

The life cycle of the parasite is about 6 years old. This type of worms is different in the following characteristics:

  • the length varies from 3 cm to 5 cm;
  • the body is oblong and resembles a cutting filament;
  • the head of the parasite is much thinner than the body itself, to recognize them in the stool can, without much difficulty.

Trichuris injure the intestinal wall and cause its inflammation. Uses in food of the such parasite of the blood. If you have in the body Trichocephalus trichiurus (whipworms), the patient complains of any of the following symptoms:

  • long spasms of the right side of the belly;
  • decreased appetite, it is also possible and free of charge increase;
  • the vomiting reflex;
  • the change of the chair;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • apathy;
  • the anaemia.

The definitive diagnosis can place a doctor only when the detection of eggs of whipworm in calais through a microscope. For the treatment the professionals more often than prescribed medicines. It is important to observe preventive measures to reduce the risk of infection.

Description Trichinella

Few know how to look for the larvae of intestinal worms. They rarely come into the fecal mass and see if they can only the doctor during the analysis special. Trichinella is a parasite, that are particularly harmful to human health. They have the following characteristics:

  • small size;
  • the rounded shape;
  • white color.

Alone to recognize calais Trichinella is very difficult.

The infection may occur due to the use of poor thermally treated meat of pigs, bears, wild boar, and t. d. Parasites negatively affect the muscles. These helminths can live in the body of a man more than 20 years. Trichinella often cause complications.

The patient complains of any of the following symptoms:

  • free increase of the temperature;
  • pain in the body;
  • diarrhea;
  • the swelling;
  • an allergic reaction.

In patients trichinellosis occur complications, which may occur inflammation of the lungs, the liver, and the kidneys. Full recovery is very difficult to achieve. For this, it is necessary to pass to long treatment period. You must also comply with the prevention measures. During the therapy the patient needs to go to the infectious hospital.

How to prevention of trichinellosis experts recommend not to eat, not until the end of cooked meat. It is advisable to buy only the products that passed the time check and have the confirmation of a stigma.

High tapeworm

The whole world heard about the existence of such a parasite, such as a bull tapeworm. Unlike all of the previously listed, this helminth belongs to a group of worms. High tapeworm can enter the body after the consumption of meat, which is cooked defective. Already after a few months, the larva turns into an adult from an individual. High tapeworm considered to be the largest parasite that lives in the human body. Its length reaches 8 to 10 meters. The patient can detect in the feces, only segments of the final part of the parasite.

The patient complains:

  • nausea;
  • a weak;
  • spasms in the stomach;
  • apathy;
  • constipation.

The treatment assigns a specialist. When correctly selected therapy, the patient is recovering quickly and has no complications. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

High tapeworm

How to recognize Echinococcus

This is the tape a parasite that adversely affect many vital organs. It's worth calling attention to the fact that the man is the carrier of the parasite. The final masters, generally, become dogs, or other animals.

Echinococcus is small in size. That is why to detect the eggs of this parasite in the stool alone is difficult. Their diameter varies up to 2 cm. Dwells, he is most often in the liver, and, gradually, begins to grow. People who have in your body, echinococcal, complaining:

  • pain in the atdreverie;
  • an allergic reaction;
  • dry cough;
  • the lack of air.

The disease can be detected only by ultra-sound. Self-view echinococcal in the stool is not possible. For the prevention it is recommended to monitor the personal hygiene and health of the animals.

How are parasites, everyone should know. Often sick, do not pay attention to the presence of helminths in the faeces, because they do not know how they look like. Some species of parasites, you cannot find out by yourself, but if you find they are not so common. In the stools, without much work, you can recognize the worms, ackapud and Trichocephalus trichiurus. When it is detected in the stool worms need to urgently consult a doctor.